Institute for Environmental Economics and World Trade News
Key messages of the latest WBGU report "Rethinking Land in the Anthropocene: from Separation to Integration" are now available in a short video!

Key messages of the latest WBGU report "Rethinking Land in the Anthropocene: from Separation to Integration" are now available in a short video!

Prof. Dr. Ulrike Grote and Robyn Blake-Rath are co-authors of the presented report.

Only if there is a fundamental change in the way we manage land can we reach the targets of climate-change mitigation, avert the dramatic loss of biodiversity and make the global food system sustainable. The WBGU proposes five multiple-benefit strategies illustrating ways of overcoming competition between rival claims to the use of land. These should be promoted by five governance strategies, especially by setting suitable framework conditions, reorienting EU policy and establishing alliances of like-minded states.

Click on the picture to watch the video.

Published by M. Gerberding