Institute for Environmental Economics and World Trade News
Tropentag 2022 – International conference on „Can agroecological farming feed the world? Farmers' and academia's views“

Tropentag 2022 – International conference on „Can agroecological farming feed the world? Farmers' and academia's views“

The annual conference on research in tropical and subtropical agriculture, natural resource management and rural development (14.09.-16.09.2022) this year took place at the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague.

The conference is jointly organized by several universities and institutions and took place as a hybrid conference in Prague. Main objectives of the conference included resource management, environment, agriculture, forestry, fisheries, food, nutrition and related sciences in the context of rural development, sustainable resource use and poverty alleviation. Luzia Deißler from the IUW presented her current research results on “The role of aspirations and personality traits for smallholder farmers’ decision to adopt agroforestry - Evidence from Kenya”.

Published by M. Gerberding