Funded by the CIMMYT and ATSAF Academy, the IUW team lead by Dr Trung Thanh Nguyen and PhD student Gokul Prasad Paudel recently visited the field sites in Bihar and Eastern Uttar Pradesh – India and Nepal on March 21-28, 2023. During this field visit, the IUW team interacted with different farmers and service providers in Bihar and Eastern Uttar Pradesh, who have adopted the sustainable intensification technologies in their rice-wheat cropping systems. Moreover, the IUW team also visited different agricultural research stations managed by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVKs), Cereal Systems Initiatives for South Asia (CSISA), and Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC). To get the broader level insights on adoption and impacts of sustainable intensification technologies, the IUW team also interacted with different researchers and policy makers at the CIMMYT, ICAR, and NARC.